Fire Extinguisher Servicing

Fire Extinguisher Servicing: An Annual Priority for safety

Fire extinguisher servicing is more than a cursory check; it’s an essential annual review critical for maintaining the safety of your premises.

Conducted to comply with the standards set by BS 5306-3:2009, this servicing involves meticulous inspections for signs of corrosion and partial or complete discharge. Neglecting this vital service puts your property and its occupants at risk, making it crucial to adhere to this annual requirement.

What Comprehensive

Fire Extinguisher Servicing Entails

Proper fire extinguisher servicing involves a multi-point inspection that goes beyond mere visual checks. This includes consulting the manufacturer’s recommendations and carrying out specific tests to gauge the equipment’s efficacy.

Any fire extinguisher found to be unfit for use is not merely a liability but a danger that must be promptly removed from service and replaced.

Why Trust ICSS Ltd with your Fire Extinguisher Servcing Needs?

Our comprehensive fire extinguisher servicing is aligned with BS 5306-3:2009 standards, ensuring that your equipment is both effective and compliant.

Our professionals scrutinise each fire extinguisher for any signs of wear, corrosion, or discharge, and provide clear guidelines on any required replacements or repairs. With ICSS Ltd, you don’t just meet regulatory standards—you exceed them, assuring optimal safety for your premises.